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  • T-62A or Obj.140?

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  • Best Tank Line To Start With

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Thursday 1 March 2018

Похожее изображение
Jalan Panderman 7A Malang
Telp 0341-551871

SMPK Santa Maria II setia mewujudkan pendidikan yang beriman,bersaudara,berilmu,dan berbudaya

-Mendampingi warga sekolah agar memiliki iman yang hidup.
-Menumbuhkan semangat persaudaraan sejati berpedoman pada       spiritualitas kesamaan martabat manusia citra Allah.
-Mengembangkan penyelenggaraan,pengelolaan,pelaksanaan   pendidikan secara profesional,transparan,dan akuntabel.
-Mengambangkan potensi siswa sesuai dengan kemampun secara   optimal.
-Mewujudkan budaya dan karakter sekolah yang positif.

Pembelian Formulir
Jalur Umum :1November 2017
Tempat         :TU SMPK Santa Maria II Malang
Waktu           :Pk. 08.00-13.00 WIB

Harga Formulir: Rp 150.000

Syarat Pendaftaran
1.Formulir pendaftara diisi lengkap.
2.Surat pernyataan dan bermaterai
3.FC rapor kelas IVdan V (legalisasi kepala sekolah)
4.FC akta kelahiran
5.FC surat Babtis(bagi yang katolik)
6.FC kartu keluarga
7.Surat keterangan gaji orang tua
8.Pas Foto terbaru 3x4 cm,2 lembar(berseragam SD)

Pengembangan Diri
-Tari tradisional,modern
-Marching band
-Palang merah remaja
-Kir Matematika,IPA,IPS,Komputer
-English club
-Bina vocal
-Koor rohani 
-Sanggar seni
-Sanggar keputrian
-Bina iman
-Budi pekerti

Prestasi Siswa

Prestasi Akademis
-Juara 2 olimpiade sains nasional 2017 tingat Jawa Timur
-Wakil jawa timur Lomba sains Nasional
-Juara 1 story telling tingkat jawa timur
-Juara 1 debat tingkat kota
-Juara 1 lomba biologi tingkat kota
-Juara 2 Lomba Sains dan IPS tingkat kota
-Juara 3 lomba Matematika tingkat kota
-Juara 3 lomba mading 3D tingkat kota

Prestasi Non Akademis
-Juara 1 kaligrafi LPPP UM Ti8ngkat jawa bali
-Juara 2 musifikasi puisi LPPP UM tingkat jawa bali
-Juara 2 Water rocket LPPP UM tingkat jawa bali
-Juara 1 paduan suara dinas pendidikan malang
-Juara 1 Lomba poster Tingkat Kota 
-Juara 1 Band Akustik tingkat kota
Juara 1 Lomba Pramuka tingkat kota
March 01, 2018   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Thursday 22 February 2018

Cara Memonetisasi blog
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! П Р И В Е Т ! 

Dalam membuat blog kita pasti ingin mendapat uang dari blog kita tersebut,ada solusinya,kita bisa mendapat uang dari memonetisasi blog yang kita punya.Pertama saya akan jelaskan apa itu monetisasi.Monetisasi berarti suatu kegiatan mendapatkan uang yang diawali dengan membuat blog.Berikut adalah berbagai caranya.

1.berikut adalah teknik paling mudah,yaitu menjual produk anda sendiri dan mengiklankannya pada blog anda.Teknik ini sangat mudah dan simple dan tidak perlu mengikuti pendaftaran pendaftaran yang biasanya perlu untuk mengiklankan produk orang lain.Tetapiteknik ini biasanya kurang membuat anda untung karena orang orang susah percaya pada iklan anda dan mengiranya penipuan karena iklan anda bukan iklan resmi.

2.Kemudian ada lagi cara untuk mendapat uang yaitu dari afiliasi.caranya adalah mendaftarkan diri untuk mengiklankan suatu produk dan memasang link iklan barang yang akan dijual di sidebar postingan anda.Teknik ini sering dipakai orang orang dalam memonetisasi blognya.teknik ini jelas lebih menguntungkan dari tekinik nomor 1 karena pengunjung tidak harus membeli barang yang diiklankan untuk membuat anda untung,hanya oerlu mengunjungi link yang anda pasang agar anda mendapat uang.amazon dan lazada adalah contoh penyedia afiliasi.

3.teknik yang ketiga ini adalah paid to review.di teknik ini kita menawarkan jasa review pada orang yang mau barangnya di review.kita hanya perlu menawarkan jasa kita melalui meng email orang yang mau di reviewkan.penghasilan berbeda beda tergantung rank blog anda.Teknik ini susah dijalankan oleh blogger pemula karena blogger pemula biasanya view nya sedikit sehingga kurang menguntungkan.
February 22, 2018   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Thursday 25 January 2018

The Best Non Premium Tank To Earn Credits

Image result for tiger 1 wot

The best Tank To Make Credits i think is the PzKpfwVI or the Tiger I Because of its combination of fast reloading,high penetration,the german accuracy,and of course it is intimidating.
January 25, 2018   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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The Best Tank Line To Start With

Light Tank
Russian are the best, american light tank are most powerful, german tank are most manueverable (arguably)

Medium Tank
German MT are best at sniping role, with some of the most accurate cannon out of all nation. german also inherite the tradition of having gigantic lower glacies plate (easily penetrated part of front armor), which your enemy will alway attemp to exploit.

French MT are super flanker, their auto loader are good for people who like to do "hit n' run" style tactic (pop up and fire the whole clip, then pop back to reload). they have exceptional speed (not sure if faster than russian) allow them to flank with ease.

US MT are excel in dogfighting (brawl). their speed and firepower can be varied which make them versatile.

Russian MT are fast and manueverable, their gun are also good in both power and penetration. the main downside is that their tank can be prone to get ammo racked quite often (vulnerable ammo storage placement).

Heavy Tank
German HThave extremely thick armor and usually well sloped, their gun are the most accurate out of all nation (german tradition). they're usually slow and vulnerable agains artillery. and their gigantic lower glacies plate (another german tradition) make them vulnerable if that part ever expose.

French HT obtain the oscillating turret design and so is the aulo loading cannon, the gun on AMX 50B are almost identical to the american counterpart. French HT have very weak armor (tier wise) and probably lowest Hit point out of all three (if I recall).

US HT usually have very weak hull when compare to its counterpart, but have almost impenetratable turret (front) armor. to exploit this weakness the user should alway attemp to get in hull down position. so that only the thick turret may expose.

Russian HT have the best value for everything except accuracy and aim time (gun laying). so they're strongly recommended for close range dogfight to compensate for having weaker long range potential agains their counterpart. (that doesn't mean you should alway charge).

Tank Destroyer
German TD have the best value in armor thickness (until tier 8+) and are well sloped, which gave them high tendency to bounce off incoming shell. their gun are the most accurate (of course) and possess possibly the best penetration value. and just like other german vehicles, they also have the (bloody hell) gigantic lower glacies plate. (except ferdinand)

French TD french TD line just recently came so I can't say much about it,but at tier 10 they are just like the new WTF E100 with the autoloader that reload faster.

US TD have varied playing styles. The line starts out with a typical tank destroyer playing style with a great choice of guns, then leads to two tank destroyer lines; one with turrets and one mostly without turrets. Higher tier tank destroyers on the non-turreted line have extremely thick armor, but they are also extremely slow, thus making them vulnerable for arty fire. On the other hand, higher tier turreted tank destroyers tend to be very well armed but poorly armored. They are much more mobile compared to the non-turreted line. acting as support is advised.

Russian TD have much weaker armor than their counterpart and are not well sloped. their gun inherit russian tradition of having bad accuracy, but also the tradition of extreme firepower. late tier Russian TD gain access to the legendary BL-10 which posses the highest DPS and penetration value in the game.
January 25, 2018   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Thursday 18 January 2018

              Which is Better? T-62A or Obj.140

Image result for object 140 vs t62a

-Easy gun handling
-Better turret armor
-Best choice for new player

-Low gun depression
-Less sloped hull armor
-the speed is 5km/h lower

-5km/h faster
-More gun depression
-More sloped armor
-Lower profile

-Not recommended for new player
-easy to penetrate upper turret armor

I prefer to use the Obj.140 because its mobility and gun depression,but you can research both tanks.Please note that Obj.140 is the best option for mobile player and t-62A is the best option for new player because it is easy to handle.
January 18, 2018   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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Wednesday 13 December 2017

                     The story Of Country Ball
Novel ini menceritakan Tentang sejarah dan meme negara-negara di bumi ini dalam bentuk country ball.Novel ini dibuat Oleh Oktavio V.W. Novel ini menceritakan sejarah bumi mulai dari Perang dunia II sampai sekarang ini.Cerita yang ada yaitu mulai dari Kekejaman Nazi,Kehancuran di Eropa,Bangkitnya Uni Soviet,Penjajahan negara negara,Runtuhnya Nazi,Terpecahnya Jerman,Mulainya Perang dingin,perang Vietnam,Bersatunya Jerman,Berakhirnya Perang Dingin,Runtuhnya Uni soviet,Perang Teluk,Munculnya Radikalisme,Hingga krisis nuklir Korut,
Novel ini cocok untuk orang yang gemar membaca tentang perang-perang yang ada di bumi ini dan memiliki selera humor,novel ini mungkin kurang cocok dibaca orang biasa.Jika anda tertarik membaca anda bisa download di play store seharga Rp5000
December 13, 2017   Posted by Unknown with No comments
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